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Do you keep trying to change your situation, but really aren't getting anywhere? Have you made changes in your life but find that the progress just doesn't "stick?"

Maybe it is:

  • A relationship that is not working

  • A job that is draining the life right out of you

  • A health issue that you struggle with emotionally

That’s life, right? Trying to find direction or assistance when things feel a bit out of control is the positive move.


In my practice, I'm focused on helping you find results. We will look at difficulties in your life from a different perspective. Accepting your current reality, discovering where you want to be heading, and helping to guide you toward your own path is the foundation of our work together. 

In addition, I am an integrative health practitioner. My focus is on working with the mind and body as a whole person. We are more than our thoughts and more than just a physical body. I use psychotherapeutic techniques and add other modalities, including Energy Medicine treatments like Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). I have a lot of tools in my toolbag!  

How does this help you? Working with you as a whole person can allow a faster resolution to the problem. You can more easily get to the heart of the matter, rather than just focusing on the symptoms you are having. 

Do you want to see change? Great—so do I!


  • You will learn about the 3 brains and why it is important which brain is engaged when you want to create change

  • You will understand why merely wishing for things to be different doesn't work

  • You will realize that the only true change is the change inside of yourself

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